Established in 1998, ADD-Vantage Casters & Material Handling, Inc. is a Master Distributor for every top brand in the caster industry. But don’t think of us as just your caster source. We’re also a full-line material handling distributor. Whether it’s pallet rack, lift equipment, handtrucks, conveyor, pallet jacks or safety equipment, ADD-Vantage Casters & Material Handling, Inc. has and knows what it takes to make your job easier!

ADD-Vantage Casters & Material handling, Inc. understands that you have a lot of responsibilities which require your full attention. Don’t worry about trying to figure out exactly what you need for your material handling, ergonomics or storage applications. Let us help! Our experienced staff will do whatever it takes to fully evaluate your needs and ensure that what we recommend will do the job right. Please contact us whenever we can be of service. Never forget that we work for you!